
Subaqueous Volcanic Eruptions

瑞安Portner, 菠菜网lol正规平台

Department of Geology, College of 科学 
Sponsor: National 科学 Foundation

Geologist 瑞安Portner studies a kind of volcanic activity that is seldom seen: volcanoes that erupt deep below the surface of the ocean. “Submarine volcanism remains underexplored and underexamined,” he says, despite the fact that “three quarters of Earth lies beneath water, and a substantial majority of Earth’s volcanic eruptions take place in this 水下王国.” 

With the help of new submarine and robotic technologies, Portner aims to change our understanding of these underwater phenomena. 

“Our ability to address these and other fundamental questions is continually expanding with technological advancements in marine geology and direct observations of active deep-sea eruptions,” he says. 

Portner uses robotic submarines to dive down to the ocean floor. 这些机器人是 equipped with “manipulators”—robotic arms and hands—to collect sediment and rock samples 研究. 

Armed with these samples, Portner explores fundamental questions about volcanism on Earth from the ascent of molten rock (magma) below the surface to its eruption onto 海底. He views his research as a piece of a larger scientific puzzle: humanity’s 了解地球. 

“Ultimately,” he says, “this work supports scientific research by my students and colleagues who aim to understand the interactions between the solid-earth, hydrosphere and biosphere and how these interactions evolve through time.” 


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' 15物理学,' 18地质学硕士


菠菜网lol正规平台 Student Jacon Danielsen"The geology department encourages us to develop a broad knowledge of our field that includes both research and career-related skills. Given what I’ve learned at 菠菜网lol正规平台, I’m hoping to go into private industry, potentially working in environmental consulting 和修复."

' 17地质学' 19理学硕士地质学

菠菜网lol正规平台 研究基金会 年度报告 2018