
Invoices and requests for payments should be submitted to the Accounts Payable department 通过DocuSign. The document should be routed for approval and signatures by the account signer and the 赞助项目 manager, and carbon copied to Accounts Payable at research-foundation-ap@sjsu. Each invoice submitted 通过DocuSign should include an account number and object code, printed name, and a legible (DocuSign) signature. If all required information cannot be included on the invoice, a completed requisition form should be submitted 随发票一起寄.

In instances where the requested payment is for reimbursement 到PI for costs (such as supplies, travel, etc.), the chair, dean, or their designee shall have the authority to approve expenses, and must be included in the routing. 这很常见 referred to as a “一个-up” signature and is applicable to any such payments made directly 到PI. Each invoice must be submitted separately.

By approving a payment, the signer certifies that:

  • The expenditure is appropriate to the account,
  • The expenditure is in compliance with the university’s educational mission and the 研究基金会’s policies and procedures,
  • The expenditure is within the restrictions imposed by the source of funding,
  • No other source or reimbursement will be claimed.